In this family there are products and special systems for waterproofing different surfaces, facades, decks, terraces, ramps, floorings, patio, stairs, garages, lift shafts.
Elastomer resin based products for waterproofing terraces, decks, facades and walkable faced surfaces.
Waterproofing agents based on polyurethane resins of one-component and two-component specials for low transit terraces.
Waterproofing of garage floorings, ramps and stairs based on two-component thin coat resins and epoxy-polyurethane mixing with very good properties both adherence and mechanical resistance.
Special products for waterproofing basements, garages, lift shafts by thin layer mortars that works in positive or negative pressure with very good adherence to concrete and mortars.
Special waterproofing agents for pools and water tanks. In the case of drinking water tanks are available suitable waterproofing agents for the contact with drinking water.
Water-repellent agents for treatments of faced surfaces such as faced brick, faced concrete and stone where is required to keep the aesthetic appearance unaltered.
Water-repellent agents with special properties for slowing down moss formation.
Special products for the treatment of rising-damp on dwelling walls. Suitable for different types of walls such as brick, stone, block, etc…
Waterproofing agents based on asphalt membrane or PVC sheets for different applications both for new building and re-waterproof works.
Asphalt-based products for priming asphaltic membranes, for waterproofing in areas which are in constant contact with water and asphalt-tar products for waterproofing with special requirements of chemical resistance.
El proyecto SHIAC tiene como objetivo principal la investigación y desarrollo de una estrategia integral que permita reducir el riesgo biológico en acuicultura, integrando diferentes medidas tanto de tipo activo como pasivo para la prevención de patologías con una gran incidencia económica en el sector, y aportando soluciones más sostenibles ambientalmente a las actualmente empleadas en acuicultura.
Grupo Tres Mares S.A actúa como socio representante del consorcio empresarial que ejecuta este proyecto el cual ha sido aprobado y subvencionado por CDTI en el marco de la convocatoria FEDER INNTERCONECTA 2015.